Monday, June 13, 2011

.bester Freund.


-bester freund-
ape itu ??
huhu bester freund adalah best friend dlm bhase jerman..

tatau ar kot2 die tpu..
tp bunyi nye da nak sme an?
btol la tu kott..huhuMySpace

ermm.sbnanye, post ni nak ckp pasal satu novel..
huu novel lagi..mst korg bosan an ngn blog aku neh..
sori r..da xtau nak tulih pasal ape daa..

rentetan dpd kpulangan akak aku ke umah 2-3 ari yg lalu,
(haish,kene ke pkataan rentetan tu kat ctu?huhu)

 die x abis2 mmuji sorg novelis ni..MySpace
bawah jemari seni gak ~sebumbung ngn hlovate =)
novelis yg bname Syud..

aku da pnah da bce novel die yg tjok tentang dhiya..
mmg bes pon..
tp aku lg ske hlovate..haha ~briye

pastu,akak aku bawak balek novel2 yg die da abes bce..
salah satunye, ''untuk awak teja aulia'' by Syud..
die ckp besh..
so,skang ni,aku br je stat bce novel neh..

mule2 bese la kan,kte mesti ar usha sinopsis kat blakg dulu..
ayat first die bes ..MySpace(tp..xdela bes sgt kot)
ni ayatnye--

Selalunya..kalau lelaki dan perempuan mengaku sahabat baik, salah seorang mesti akan 'tergelincir'-terlebih suka!

salah seorang je ke??knape x dua2??
persoalannye,,btol ke ayat tu?

hmm..thats why la,laki ngn pmpuan xley baek sgt..
(agaknye),berbalek kpd novel td,,huhu
korg bli ar kalo tjumpe..
cam bes gak ar..
tu pon kalo korang stok2 yg layan novel cam aku ar..
kalo xpnah layan,try ar skali (try novel hlovate ha3)
pasti nak lagi..

tu je la kot.


sebarang salah dan silap, harap d maafkan =)

10 comment(s) to akoo =):

m!rFa said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

hee..suke quote tu~ade gak btol nye tp xtau r lak salah seorg je yg akan 'tergelincir'..hihik~

akoo said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

hehee itu yg kte tatau an miraa =)

MR. SYAH said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

aku suka baca novel tp dah lama tak baca.. ramai yag cakap novel hlovate best.. klu ada masa aku nak try layan r.. heheh..

akoo said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

hehe mr.syah,,bgos la..coz susa nak jmpe laki yg lyn novel..

n yes.u should try read the hlovate's novel =)

syeedafabewlaz said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

haha,,this is what happen to one of my frends,,maybe antre pmpuan n laki tade istilah bestfriends kot,,,:D

akoo said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Han Hanni said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

bester freund.. dah lama xdengar perkataan tu.. dulu i pun amik bahasajerman kat uitm..
skarg dah lupa..

misscha said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

tq folo misscha, misscha follow balik...

keep in touch..

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

pompuan2..x abis2 ngn novel..haha..klu ko nk novel..ngn aku bnyak..aku rampas yg ank2 murid aku punya

akoo said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

haha siyes??nakkkkkk! =)

bace jgn xbace ..hehe

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