one tip for u guys.
other than kind-hearted men, girls are also attracted to funny men.
err so, keep on being kind. (because it's still the first criteria) and... be funny?
naah, sounds weird. haha no need kut. everyone has the funny side actually.
it will come naturally right? i mean, u will automatically can be funny with people u are easy to be around.
ur close friends, ur family, ur love friend (erk?), yeah those kinds of people.
so what's my point again? -.-' sorry mood karut tak hilang lagi.
p/s: seronoknye merepek kat sini

2 comment(s) to akoo =):
woiii..aku semua ada, kind + funny + bla bla bla.. kah3.
tahniah lah HJ kalau macam tu..hoh
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