actually, netbuk aku neh tgah xsehat..
huhu keyboardnye wat hal~~
tp salah aku arr..
aku secare tdk sgajenye termasokkan bbrape titik air dlm keybod neh..
nyesal gle doe..
xpelah,,juz 4get bout it..
post ni bkn tok cte sal tue oke..hehe
abes pasal ape???huu
tgk laa kat tjok post tuu..
contengan street..hahaha
~by hlovate..
tp knape jd contengan street??
huhu td aku nk jdkan tjok post ni contengan jalanan dlm english..
so, aku tanye laa mr. google tanslator..
dapatla, contengan street..haha laayaaaann~~
em,berbalek pade topik, aku da abes bce novel latest hlovate neh.. hehe
it's AWESOME. tak tipu. hee
aku bli novel ni kat bookfair PWTC aritu..beshh g sane..puas ati doe..
cam nk borong sume novel..haha
tp byk gak ar aku bli coz aku g ngn akak aku..
die la BLANJE..haha
tuu yg bes tuu..=D
ni antare novel laen yg ktorg bli--
xabes bace ag dua2..yg Pelangi tuu aku br bce cte yg hlovate tulih je..hhehe tajoknye Ked's Story. superb!=D
emm..ha. cte contengan jalanan td..
besh ar..tatau aku nk cte camne..
korg patot bce sndri..
''contengan pengalaman perjalanan cari Tuhan''
bace tau..=)
erm...pastu, yg besnye gak sal hlovate ni,,novel die mst ade ayat2 bermakne n catchy ..
contohnye dalam contengan jalanan ni--
''the man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th.''
[ni ayat keramat ar dlm novel ni]
''only true men can pull-off pink like it's nobody's business''
[haha ni ayat favret aku ;) ]
''Question: what if u stop playing 'what ifs'?
Answer: u'll get some wok done. ''
[ =) ]
''rule pertama dlm human business- Never assume. Ask . ''
''act dumb. u'll learn more. ''
[true right? =)]
emmm..tu la antarenye..baaanyaakk lg dlm sume novel die..tu yg bes tuu..heheh
ha! lupe nk cte..
aku dapat ni----
heheeeeee..original sign by hlovate~~
emmm..oke ar..tu je kot..
jmpe lg~~
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